Musical Theater Performance Workshop

Course Overview

Musical Theater Performance Workshop is an exploration of musical theater in a studio workshop setting. Students will the study the work of the actor/singer/dancer and use their gained knowledge to develop as performers. As this is a workshop course, students will prepare material for in-class work, critique, and presentations. An overview of musical theater history and repertoire will be covered, as well as basic audition techniques. The class will give a final public showcase performance at the end of the workshop, consisting of solos, small groups, and ensembles.

Course Objectives

  • Study the process of learning a song vocally
  • Study the process of learning a song through music and lyric analysis
  • Study the development of a character through research and lyric analysis
  • Use the body in a free and relaxed way to enhance storytelling
  • Presentation of a solo song
  • Performance of staged showcase

Student Learning Outcomes

  • To utilize tools to aid in the learning of new songs
  • To develop techniques for auditioning and performing
  • To learn and communicate with musical theater terminology
  • To build musical theater repertoire appropriate to each student’s age and developmental level
  • To discover, define, and discuss the physical, emotional, intellectual, and technical skills involved with musical theater performance
  • To participate in class through a workshop environment, as well as in a rehearsal format
  • To perform in a final public performance showcase